Digital Government

Beware the pitfalls of e-mail

Ah the wonders of electronic mail. We have all quickly grown so accustomed to using email in our daytoday business affairs that we wonder what we ever did before it came along. No longer must we play telephone tag to get an important message in front of another busy person. We can simply dash of

Digital Government

NARA's plan: More rhetorical vision than working strategy

Now is the time for all good people to tell the National Archives and Records Administration how to get its act together. NARA recently issued an ambitious, 10year strategic plan (available at titled 'Ready Access to Essential Evidence' and is seeking feedback on the plan from

Digital Government

Census' DADS: A good idea, but let's not forget about print

The Census Bureau is busy inventing the next generation of delivery mechanisms for getting government information to the people. It's called the Data Access and Dissemination System (DADS), and it's intended to be the information distribution system to carry the agency into the 21st century. While

Digital Government

GPO's longstanding federal printing monopoly may be history

For federal printing, the stuff hit the fan May 31. That's the day Walter Dellinger, assistant attorney general and head of the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, issued a memorandum to the General Services Administration titled "Government Printing Office Involvement in Executive Branc

Digital Government

Agency home pages getting out of hand

With a goldrush fever, federal agencies have hastened headlong to create home pages on the World Wide Web.

Digital Government

NTIS/Bernan deal opens publishing options for feds

The arrival last September of Big Emerging Markets, the first of what is expected to be a series of economic reports published by the Commerce Department's International Trade Administration, may have marked the opening of a new chapter in federal publishing history. Markets is not so unusual in it

Digital Government

Agencies must publish plans to ax federal publications

In this historic fiscal year, Congress and the White House played political football with the executive branch in a game whose final score adds up to drastically slimmer resources for most agency programs. Besides planning furloughs and buyouts, agencies are facing the fact that they won't have the

Digital Government

Presidential Technology Team deserves everyone's attention

The Office of Management and Budget is sponsoring a Presidential Technology Team (PTT), a group of information technology wizards in various federal agencies that can provide handson coaching to other agencies that are designing and acquiring major information systems. We've seen this kind of thin

Digital Government

Rules must be relaxed if federal EC is to succeed

The drive to move the federal government to electronic commerce is not working out quite the way it was planned. Agencies may be accomplishing a healthy number of electronic purchases, but they aren't following the script laid down for the Federal Acquisition Computer Network (FACNET), the electron