
Deadline for Rising Star nominations extended to July 9

We're looking for women and men who are having an outsized impact on federal IT -- and who show clear signs of being leaders in the community in the years to come.


Should FedRAMP be the standard for all public sector?

Conversations with Canada, U.S. states are ongoing about how to leverage the federal cloud security framework.


Kathy Conrad to leave GSA

Three-time Federal 100 winner is leaving government in July.


Aaron Levie: 'You can have a mindset of moving quickly'

Box's CEO discusses innovation, the "black box" of government and getting Silicon Valley to engage with agencies.


Air Force makes more NETCENTS-2 awards

Twenty firms named to $7.9 billion network operations and infrastructure solutions contract.

Digital Government

When search knows what you need

In his new book, Microsoft’s Stefan Weitz previews what predictive analytics could mean in practice.


Looking for future leaders

Rising Star awards honor individuals doing great things today -- and who are likely to be filling the senior slots tomorrow.


Nally to retire in July

The Marine Corps' top IT leader is winding down a 34-year career.


Casey Coleman moving to Unisys Federal Systems

AT&T Government Solution executive and former GSA CIO will lead Unisys' civilian agency practice.

Digital Government

Who's responsible for the autonomous killer robots?

A new report explores the legal, moral and practical concerns of fully autonomous weapons.


Good management or measurement make-work?

Goals are good, but reporting requirements can easily get out of hand.


How to spot a Rising Star

Nominations for the 2015 awards are now being accepted -- here's what you need to know to put forth a winner.


NASA still tops in agency innovation rankings

The five best-scoring large agencies improved on last year's numbers, but government-wide ratings continued to slide.


Venkatapathi Puvvada: The coalition builder

Unisys Federal Systems' Venkatapathi Puvvada, this year's Eagle award winner for industry, stresses the importance of community.


What, exactly, does a digital service team do?

At the Commerce Department, Mike Kruger is mapping out a plan.


Sonny Hashmi: The exit interview

GSA's CIO talks advice for new hires, key cloud takeaways and areas still in need of improvement.


More personnel changes at GSA

Greg Godbout to leave 18F; David Shive to be acting CIO when Sonny Hashmi departs.

Digital Government

How not to drown in your agency's data

A new case study details the Education Department's efforts to get ahead of data disclosure challenges.