Digital Government

Census renegotiating contract with Harris

Commerce Secretary Gutierrez wants to move portions of a cost-plus data-collection contract to a fixed-price basis.


DHS: Blogs give department a new voice

Homeland Security Department officials say their online journal allows them to start fresh discussions on issues.


Census, Congress spar on funds

Cost overruns lead to brinksmanship that threatens other department program funds.


Energy agency tries merit pay

Unions say they will watch closely as NNSA introduces a new pay system.


Late requirements sank Census handhelds

Officials say if the Census Bureau had defined its requirements earlier, handheld computers might still have been used for follow-up questionnaires.


Davis: Census didn't heed warnings

Rep. Tom Davis says the Census Bureau ignored multiple warnings about the expanding requirements for its Field Data Collection Automation program.


Census counts on paper for 2010

House lawmakers grill Commerce officials about rising costs and reversion to paper.

Digital Government

Census turns to paper, rejects IT risks

The Census Bureau expects to spend an additional $2.2 billion to $3 billion to support the return to paper surveys for the 2010 census.

Digital Government

Panel: Age doesn't dictate Web 2.0 fluency

FOSE panelists challenged many assumptions about next-generation Web tools, including the notion that only young people have embraced them.

Digital Government

Lawmakers hold first hearing in Second Life

House subcommittee holds hearing to explore potential uses for the online virtual world.


Have feds cheapened contract bonuses?

Oversight officials still unhappy about companies' expected performance fees.


Marines restore access to online documents

The service took down the doctrine documents almost a year ago.


Commerce's acting CIO now official

Suzanne Hilding replaces Barry West, who left the department about five months ago.


EPA may have lost data in hasty library closures

Poor planning is seen as the cause of possible losses that librarians now decry.


Library of Congress tests Web 2.0 photo archive

A pilot project is allowing the public to comment on photographs from older news and wire services.


IG: Energy's Web sites lack security

Department Web sites have suffered 60 security incidents in the past year, a new report states.


Critics say EPA closed libraries too soon

Because the libraries were closed before all their contents were put online, some information may be lost forever, critics said.

Digital Government

IT feds should distance projects from politics, panel members say

Former federal employees say IT programs can survive a new administration by emphasizing benefits rather than party affiliation.

Digital Government

House panel to explore problems with 2010 Census

Role of handheld devices to be examined.


Feds urge the next president to communicate

Good communication between Cabinet members and career civilian feds is crucial, members of a panel say.