Digital Government

Agencies' big security weakness: Lack of money and people

The problem with government IT security is not so much a lack of adequate regulations but a lack of resources to ensure that agencies practice good security, says former Interior CIO Hord Tipton.

Digital Government

Obama to double commercial spectrum available for broadband development

Presidential memorandum calls for NTIA and FCC to identify 500 MHz of radio spectrum to be licensed for broadband connectivity over the next 10 years, and for development of technologies to make better use of this limited resource.

Digital Government

Better cybersecurity depends on better information management

National Security Agency official Tony Sager says that sharing security information is not enough; information must be better managed to ensure that the right information about threats and vulnerabilities gets into the hands of those who need it.

Digital Government

With social media, State embraces disruption

New technology is disruptive. But the State Department has decided that social networking can be used for agencies and against them, and its presence cannot be ignored, says the department's social media guru, Jared Cohen.

Digital Government

White House plans to get more from agency IT spending

Guidance for IT spending the fiscal 2012 budget emphasizes accountability, performance and security, federal CIO Vivek Kundra tells a Washington audience.

Digital Government

Cyber war fever — Catch it!

Whether or not the threat is overhyped, Washington is worried about the prospect of cyber warfare, and it is an issue that needs to be addressed at the highest levels of government.

Digital Government

J.K. Rowling, eat your heart out: NIST updates a bestseller

After a decade of preparation, NIST has released the updated "Handbook of Mathematical Functions," accompanied by its companion online version, the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions.

Digital Government

Future of cybersecurity lost in legislative limbo

More than 40 bills, resolutions and amendments dealing with cybersecurity are pending in the House and Senate. Does anyone in Congress care?

Digital Government

Cybersecurity moving up on Congress' to-do list, staffer says

A Senate staffer on Thursday told a Washington audience that momentum is growing in Congress for passage of comprehensive cybersecurity legislation. Meanwhile, DHS is readying new performance metrics for FISMA compliance.

Digital Government

FISMA reform would elevate White House's cyber authority

The Federal Information Security Amendment passed as part of the House's 2011 Defense Authorization Bill would establish a White House office to oversee the government's IT security requirements.

Digital Government

21 years later, public safety networks still can't talk to each other

After more than two decades of development, the P25 suite of interoperability standards for public safety radio networks remains incomplete, House panel is told.

Digital Government

Next GPO head must guide agency to the digital future

William Boarman, nominated to be the next public printer, would face the challenge of maintaining traditional printing skills with an aging workforce while adapting the 150-year-old Government Printing Office to an increasingly digital world.

Digital Government

Password management's secret ingredient

Password management pits convenience against security, and organizations must decide where to strike the balance. There's a key to resolving the tension, even if no solution is perfect.

Digital Government

NY turns $10 million investment into $1 billion in savings

The N.Y. State Department of Taxation and Finance is enjoying big savings as a result of its work with IBM in creating tools to help automate audit and collection.

Digital Government

Tax evaders beware: NY state has an app for that

A 10-year collaboration between IBM and the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has produced analytical tools to help with auditing returns and collecting delinquent taxes.

Digital Government

DOD struggles to define cyber war

The DOD is creating a new Cyber Command to defend the military information infrastructure but still is working to come up with a clear definition of a doctrine for cyber war, says Undersecretary James Miller.

Digital Government

Proposed Office of Cyberspace would come with budget authority

A bill introduced by Rep. James Langevin (D-R.I.) would help the government address rapidly evolving challenges of cybersecurity, the congressman tells contractors.

Digital Government

Treasury shuts down 4 cloud-hosted Web sites after infection

Malicious code, which apparently came from servers in Ukraine, discovered in four Treasury Web sites hosted by a cloud service provider causes Treasury to shut down infected sites.

Digital Government

10 years later, the LoveBug still resonates

The LoveBug, or the ILOVEYOU worm, which appeared in the Philippines on May 5, 2000, and quickly spread to Asia, Europe and the United States, marks its 10th anniversary. It's still considered one of the worst worms of the computer age.

Digital Government

The top threats to government systems, and where they're coming from

Symantec’s Government Internet Threat Security Report describes a threat landscape dominated by Web-based attacks and targeted persistent threats in which it is difficult to identify the attacker.