GSA portal aids in contract selection

GSA has launched its new electronic tool designed to help federal, state and local government agencies find their way through the growing thicket of federal IT purchasing contracts.


The IT Solutions Navigator helps agencies determine the best contracts for their needs with less time and effort. (Stock image)

GSA has launched a new electronic tool designed to help federal, state and local agencies find their way through the growing thicket of federal IT purchasing contracts.

In an Aug. 8 post on GSA's interactive communities webpage and cross-posted on its IT Schedule 70 community page, the agency said its IT Solutions Navigator portal will help government data center and technology managers winnow down product and service choices.

The navigator searches among government-wide acquisition contracts, Schedule 70 and network service contracts. It tailors its results based on the user's level of government (federal, state or local), IT needs and acquisition requirements. It comes up with a specific GWAC or other large contract that would best fit the need, as well as a few other options.

"We are in constant contact with our customers and we understand the challenges they face with IT acquisition. We've heard how difficult it is to find the optimal contract vehicles to meet their requirements," GSA Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Integrated Technology Services Mary Davie said in the post. "In response to these challenges, we developed the IT Solutions Navigator tool."

Read the full GSA post here.