
IRS tries agile acquisition for data tools

The first in a series of expected technology pilots at the agency will focus on robotic process and intelligent automation tools for contract data.


Contractors have questions about DOD's cyber requirements

The Pentagon is making big moves to improve cybersecurity in its industrial base, but the contracting community and experts continue to wonder if it will all play out as intended.



The General Services Administration is seeking input on the next iteration of its key small-business-focused IT acquisition vehicle by Sept. 6.


DOD tries to take control of the JEDI 'narrative'

The Defense Department's CIO shop is trying to control the narrative on the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure procurement, a massive cloud computing acquisition that has generated intense scrutiny because of its size, scope and a hard fought lawsuit from one of the companies eliminated from the bidding.


OMB, GSA to oversee TBM buys

A new review board will to supervise agency procurement of TBM tools and services and make recommendations about acquisition and deployment strategies.


OTAs primed for growth

The Pentagon and DHS are leading the way in using other transaction authority to leverage emerging technologies.


IT procurement fraud ring targets federal agencies

An international group of criminals is using DHS and other federal agencies' solicitations to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars of IT gear, according to a watchdog report.


Watchdog cites improper contract action

A Federal Acquisition Service manager helped a consultancy get on two multiple award contracts, according to the agency's inspector general's office.


GSA on track with schedules, EIS

GSA's Federal Acquisition Service is successfully shepherding a comprehensive series of initiatives to streamline the procurement process for agencies and companies.


Republicans urge Trump not to interfere with JEDI cloud buy

Top defense committee Republicans sent a letter to President Donald Trump, warning that delays to the $10 billion JEDI cloud acquisition would endanger national security.


Deadline extended for 2019 Rising Star nominations

Help us identify the early-career innovators and change agents in government IT -- and be sure to do so before the Aug. 2 deadline.


FAR tweaked in time for fall buying

A small change in the Federal Acquisition Regulation’s language that makes GWAC purchases a little smoother could help out as fall buying season nears.


DHS gets serious about a new financial system

The Department of Homeland Security is trying to unify its highly federated structure by switching to enterprise financial management


Federal contractor sentenced

A federal contractor who also served as a Virginia state legislator was sentenced by a federal judge for defrauding the government to get small business contracts.


Submit your 2019 Rising Star nominations today!

Help us identify the early-career innovators and change agents in government IT -- and be sure to do so before the July 17 deadline.


EIS vendors don't see rush to modernize

The government wants agencies to use the $50 billion, 10- year Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions telecom contract to support IT modernization but in the early stages most customers want to make sure the phones stay on.


GSA releases e-commerce solictiation

The e-commerce effort dubbed "Amazon for government" is getting closer to becoming reality with a draft solicitation released by the General Services Administration.


Justice inks EIS award

The Department of Justice awarded a 13-year telecommunications contract to AT&T under the General Services Administration’s big next-generation telecommunications contract.


DHS contracting not bound to 'best in class'

The procurement chief at the Department of Homeland Security said that the agency was more focused on serving its components than on shared services.


COMET hits the street

The General Services Administration issued its solicitation for the contract that will support Federal Acquisition Service IT.