
Report cites dramatic uptick in government spending on temps

Veterans Affairs, Defense Health Agency are filling gaps with temporary workers rather than hiring career staff.


Government needs to get serious about IT modernization

Despite bountiful evidence of wasteful IT spending, Congress has yet to get serious about retiring the nation's antiquated IT.


Defense bill calls for DOD to fast-track certain software buys

A provision in the defense bill moving through the House of Representatives calls for the Pentagon to authorize a new fast track for software acquisition, with an eye to upgrading vulnerable weapons systems.


Agencies ramp up use of challenge competitions

White House and General Services Administration are tracking crowdsourcing along with technology challenges as paths to innovation.


More scrutiny of OTAs in defense bill

Lawmakers seek annual reporting requirements to get insight into how the Defense Department uses other transaction agreements.


As GSA consolidates buying schedules, special item numbers are due for cuts

The General Services Administration's plan to unify procurement schedules includes a plan to rein in sprawl in special item numbers.


HASC chairman looks to block supply chain threats in NDAA

The House defense committee chair wants DOD to develop a process and criteria for suspending and debarring foreign tech companies that pose supply chain risks.


GSA pushes ahead with schedule consolidation

The General Services Administration wants to hear industry's ideas on how it should consolidate its buying schedules into a single format.


RPA, identity on tap for Centers of Excellence

The head of Technology Transformation Services wants the White House-backed Centers of Excellence program to accommodate emerging technology.


Union cries foul over planned transfer of IT workers at DOD

A leading federal employee union has filed an unfair labor practice charge against the Department of Defense over the planned transfer of tech workers between defense agencies.


Nominations now open for 2019 Rising Star Awards

Help us identify the early-career innovators and change agents in government IT.


GSA digs into details for planned e-commerce portal

GSA is ironing out the details for its online marketplace as it moves ahead with a draft solicitation.


CBP inks analytics services contract

The border agency's new contract for business management support services will push new analytics capabilities to managers as well as agents in the field.


Air Force pushes fast-tracked ATOs

The Air Force plans to migrate 100 applications to the cloud this year with as many as possible opting for the fast track authority to operate process.


Procurement gurus mostly pleased with GSA's e-commerce plans

Industry analysts see some hurdles, but say GSA is improving over earlier iterations on a legislatively required plan to launch an e-commerce marketplace for federal procurement.


Contractors tally shutdown costs

Federal contractors told a House panel that last winter's partial government shutdown is still taking a toll.


DOD looks to unify software spending for 2020

Defense Department acquisition head, Ellen Lord, hopes to simplify software buying and improve business systems following the release of the Defense Innovation Board's final software acquisition study.


GSA plans multivendor online buying pilot

The General Services Administration will launch a test version of its planned online buying portal with more than one vendor and – it hopes – with a $25,000 micropurchase threshold.


Federal supply chain efforts look to work together

A supply chain security task force at DHS is working to align its efforts with OMB's Federal Acquisition Security Council.


IT innovation and program risk: Not an inseparable pair

Agencies can increase access to commercial innovation and reduce program risk by ensuring that their modernization strategies encourage a broad spectrum of companies to compete.