
The Top 50-woman-owned companies

The top 50 government contractors owned by women did billions of dollars of business with the government in 2011.


The top 50 8(a) firms

The 8(a) program helps many disadvanatged businesses sell their products and services to agencies. Here are the 50 companies that did the most business through the program in fiscal 2011.


The top 50 Schedule 70 contractors

The General Service Administration's Schedule 70 contracts offer agencies an easy route to acquire IT-related products and services, and many vendors and contractors do a brisk business using it. Here are the top 50.


Incentives: Cheering on the bargain shoppers

Employees like being recognized for their good work, but these days there are more negative incentives than positives.


Comment: Small businesses at risk of subcontractor abuse

Some government officials and large companies can be dangerous for small firms, warns Jaime Gracia.


Sequstration could cut off some suppliers for agencies

Agencies rely on small firms for their operations, but many of those companies don't have the cushion to survive harsh cutbacks from sequestration.


5 keys to rekindling government innovation

It wasn't just a noble vision that got America to the moon, it was also the federal government’s legal, regulatory, management and legislative framework. Paul Brubaker offers some ideas to recapture the innovative climate of the 1960s.


DOD interpreting labor rate cap too strictly, group claims

A law requires Defense agencies to try to keep labor and overhead rates charged by contractors to 2010 levels, but a contractor advocate says the department has more leeway than it realizes.


OFPP head encourages 'hard line' against unscrupulous contractors

Agencies are investing more in suspension and debarment programs and have taken action more often in recent years on questionable contractors, Joe Jordan says.


OFPP lets DOD deal with pricing complexities first

Officials have to make a judgment call on whether to take the lower price now and potentially pay more later on when problems arise from minimal quality work.


Kay Kapoor leaves Accenture

Accenture installs an interim head for its federal sector business unit as its leader steps down.


Administration amps up strategic sourcing push

Concerned that agencies are slow to adopt strategic sourcing approaches, administration officials are turning up the heat -- and hinting that a mandate may be coming.


GOP platform signals possible shift in contractor fortunes

The outcome of the presidential election could herald a renewal of the insourcing/outsourcing debate.


Do small-business preferences make the grade?

Agencies labor mightily to hit small-business contracting targets, but the emphasis on score cards overshadows some larger questions about set-asides.


Are small-business set-asides helping?

After nearly 35 years of small-business contracting goals, it's worth asking how the set-asides are doing in delivering the intended results.


Council steps up importance of contractor performance in proposed rule change

Regulators want to change the rules for documenting contractor past performance, with an eye in particular to the treatment of subcontractors.


'Byzantine warren of fiefdoms' makes contracting fraud hard to stop

Data standards could protect taxpayers against deliberate fraud in federal contracting, argues an agency inspector general.


VA to direct more money to service-disabled vets

VA officials intend to boost their contract awards to veterans.


Treasury wants more women, minorities as contract employees

The Treasury Department is considering adding a clause to future contracts encouraging contractors to have more women and minorities among their employees.


DOD falters on cyber-purchasing plan

A program intended to speed up the acquisition of technology is falling behind schedule, according to reports.