
How a few words could change small-business set-aside picture

The Obama administration is trying to change some wording in the acquisition rules make it easier to set aside R&D solicitations.


Lack of clearance reciprocity costs millions, survey shows

Contractors say they could fulfill their duties more efficiently and save the government money if security clearances were accepted more broadly.


Will less federal spending really mean fewer jobs?

Conventional wisdom holds that federal budget cuts lead to less spending on contracts and, therefore, to job declines. Is that really true?


Study quantifies coming cuts in federal IT spending

As inevitable budget cuts come nearer, market research firm attempts to predict just where spending will fall the most.


GSA's new award-management system offline right after launch

Taken down because of performance issues, GSA's new SAM site is scheduled to be back Aug. 6.


House passes government charge card rules

House lawmakers made some changes to a Senate bill that puts more controls on the use of government charge cards.


Should VA's company database go governmentwide?

VA has a database of verified companies owned by veterans. Other agencies could take advantage of that resource, GAO says.


House considers purchase card oversight bill

Lawmakers want more record-keeping rules on the federal employees who have government credit cards.


GSA admits demand-based model no 'silver bullet'

GSA is instituting the Demand Based Model to align its resources with areas of greatest need, but admits it isn't a full solution for the Schedules program.


FCW Editorial: Summing up the Networx challenges

Now halfway through its contract period, Networx is experiencing some difficulties in getting agencies to transition to the new vendors and the new offerings.


Acquisition chiefs need clearer roles and responsibilities, GAO says

Without clearly-defined duties, the CAO may not have a strong basis for more permanent inclusion in an organization's leadership structure, auditors conclude.


Networx: A vision for the future

As GSA designs the next big network services contract, a veteran of the development and management of Networx and FTS 2001 has some advice to offer.


Networx: A gauge of its flexibility

After aiding in an agency transition to Networx, consultant Cedric Sims takes stock of the contract's progress so far.


Contract considerations to include treatment of other companies

The Obama administration wants procurement officials to consider how companies treat their business partners as a factor in making contract decisions.


Mis-measuring Networx progress

Some say the General Services Administration has the wrong number when it comes to assessing agencies’ speed in moving to the Networx telecom program.


GSA hopes OASIS dries up duplication

Some changes to contracting could save the government a substantial amount of money -- if GSA is right about the potential of a planned new set of contracts called OASIS.


Reverse auction house names new senior officer

FedBid names new officer to leads its efforts in its expanding marketplace.


How to think about new policy proposals – feedback on my feedback

Steve Kelman responds to criticism with some ideas on the most productive ways to think about policy proposals.


Was the GSA scandal really scandalous?

Columnist Steve Kelman wonders whether agencies might be justified in spending money on lavish conferences.


How to make acquisition part of the solution

New OFPP Administrator Joe Jordan talks about making the most of the government's buying power and how to provide cutting-edge solutions for agencies while still maintaining oversight.