
Agencies to pay more toward contractor exec salaries

Obama administration fails in its effort to reduce contractor executive compensation in contracts.


GSA's Oracle cancellation still a mystery

When parties can’t agree on aspects of a contract, experts say call it a day.


Congress steps up efforts to control conference costs

Following GSA scandal, lawmakers continue proposals to bat down overspending by agenices on conferences.


GSA kills Oracle contract

GSA cancels Oracle's Schedule 70 contract for IT services, but offers few details on why.


Sole-source justifications for small-business contracts made permanent

Agencies have been under an interim rule requiring them to justify many small-business sole-source awards. Now the rule has become final.


Meet the evangelists of interacting in gov 2.0 style

In an emerging 2.0 government, two officials at GSA took a chance on a new way to get government and industry to interact.


Contracting reforms could come in the next defense authorization bill

Rep. Sam Graves, whose Small Business Committee already approved eight small-business contracting reform bills, is asking for similar measures to appear in the fiscal 2013 National Defense Authorization Act.


VA pushes relationship repair with industry suppliers

The Veterans Affairs Department is leading the charge to improve procurement through better communication with industry.


GAO sees progress in DOD contract inventory

Defense officials have fixed a few problems, but they aren't in the clear yet in gathering accurate data.


GSA could get another congressional hearing on its calendar

Sen. Susan Collins joins the chorus demanding GSA officials appear at a hearing regarding the now-infamous Western Regions conference, but some observers say Congress has gone too far.


Bill would allow federally funded centers to get exclusive access to government work

The Professional Services Council argues that government R&D should be subject to competition.


GSA's new chief says fiasco 'cuts to heart' of mission

Tangherlini, acting head of GSA, says the over-the-top conference spending undermines of GSA's duty to save the government money.