Artificial Intelligence

DHS to release AI guidance for critical infrastructure

The agency hopes to serve as a “vanguard” in critical infrastructure’s safe and ethical use of AI, according to one official.

Artificial Intelligence

DHS looks to AI to help solve child abuse cases

An interagency collaboration within the Department of Homeland Security is tapping machine learning capabilities to halt international child abuse cases.

Artificial Intelligence

NSA to stand up AI security center

Securing AI means preventing it “from learning, doing, and revealing the wrong thing,” Gen. Paul Nakasone said.

Artificial Intelligence

White House to issue 'broad' executive order addressing AI risks and standards

Top science advisor Arati Prabhakar said the forthcoming executive order will address a wide swath of potential AI dangers.

Artificial Intelligence

Can AI boost health care delivery?

Rep. Ted Lieu thinks so, with the right oversight by humans — and government.

Artificial Intelligence

New bill would give the government oversight of critical AI use cases

The Democratic-backed AI Accountability Act of 2023 gives the Federal Trade Commission new authority and a new office to regulate how AI algorithms make critical decisions on housing, healthcare.

Artificial Intelligence

GOP presidential hopeful Hurd campaigns on AI policy

Former congressman Will Hurd is offering a novel AI policy as part of his larger campaign platform.

Artificial Intelligence

White House official tees up AI executive order

Deputy National Security Advisor Anne Neuberger spoke on the executive branch’s ambitions in spurring guardrails for AI systems, emphasizing on a collaborative mentality and helping bridge regulations in Congress.

Artificial Intelligence

Companies turn to risk mitigation tools to monitor AI absent federal law, study finds

While Congress debates AI regulations, Gartner has found a majority of businesses are looking at using new IT tools to self-regulate the risks of AI usage.

Artificial Intelligence

Commerce head envisions innovation pathways under the CHIPS Act

Over a year after the landmark CHIPS and Science Act was passed, Secretary Gina Raimondo said the U.S. needs to “embrace innovation” in semiconductor production.

Artificial Intelligence

Congress’s week of AI

Tech titans, developers and executives descended on Capitol Hill this week for a series of meetings exploring crucial safeguards for AI research and development.

Artificial Intelligence

Agency leaders see data analytics and customer service uses for AI

Tech officials told lawmakers they are focused on a socio-technical approach to AI use cases in the government, saying it is not “one size fits all.”

Artificial Intelligence

Guardrails in government AI purchasing are ‘more important than ever,’ senator says

“Right now, [contracting officers] are set up for failure,” when it comes to buying AI applications, one witness told lawmakers at a Senate hearing.

Artificial Intelligence

DHS creates new chief of AI and unveils safety policies

The Department of Homeland Security is advancing its use of artificial intelligence technologies with new leadership and guidance.

Artificial Intelligence

Industry leaders urge Congress to enact responsible AI regulations

Some tech observers have suggested hitting pause on generative artificial intelligence development, but industry leaders told lawmakers that the tech could benefit from legislation that builds trust in AI.

Artificial Intelligence

Lawmakers grapple with AI’s potential as they consider future regulations

In a week packed with artificial intelligence hearings and events, lawmakers are focused on bipartisan unity and threading the needle between further advancement and regulation.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is part of a 'new era' at IRS, commissioner says

The tax agency announced the expansion of work to use AI in how it goes after large partnerships.

Artificial Intelligence

Energy officials say their agency can lead the federal approach to national AI R&D efforts

Agency witnesses testifying at a Senate hearing spoke to Energy’s posture in addressing the “grand challenge” in safely developing and deploying artificial intelligence. 

Artificial Intelligence

NSA ‘recently completed’ AI strategic study, director says

Outgoing chief Gen. Paul Nakasone looks back, forward, and pushes for Sec. 702 authority.