Artificial Intelligence

Pentagon releases responsible AI toolkit

Released by Defense Department’s Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office, the toolkit is meant to help the department ethically incorporate emerging tech across its mission.


DOD launches platform to educate workforce on AI basics

The new program will provide DOD’s civilian and military personnel with access to a Massachusetts Institute of Technology service that consists of “bite-sized learning assets” on AI tools and other technologies.

Artificial Intelligence

State plans to lead by example in tech diplomacy politics

Between following a new executive order and modernizing agency operations, the State Department is building its policy on artificial intelligence through promoting U.S. innovation.

Artificial Intelligence

CISA releases roadmap to guide its AI efforts

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency released plans to pursue five lines of effort in support of the administration’s AI objectives.

Artificial Intelligence

Pentagon initiative shows AI helps leaders decide in a ‘data-driven way,’ official says

The deputy chief of the Pentagon’s AI office said the adoption of new tools and technologies is helping the department’s combatant commanders “access information and make better decisions.”

Artificial Intelligence

What are agencies doing with AI? A bipartisan Senate duo wants to know.

Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, sent letters to three federal agencies probing into their use of artificial intelligence systems.

Artificial Intelligence

ACLU warns of free-speech risks in FEC oversight of AI-generated election ads

The civil liberties group expressed concern over a possible Federal Election Commission rulemaking that would call out content generated by artificial intelligence in the agency’s regulations on fraudulent misrepresentation.

Artificial Intelligence

New bill aims to codify NIST AI risk management in federal procurement

The Federal Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Act is designed to give statutory support to many of the efforts outlined in the Biden administration's AI executive order.

Artificial Intelligence

Commerce launches new safe AI center

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is slated to helm many of the new AI executive order’s guidance documents for safe and responsible development.

Artificial Intelligence

On the heels of Biden's executive order, agencies get White House directive on implementing AI

Agencies will be on the hook for tapping chief AI officers, adding risk management practices to AI like independent evaluations and more.

Artificial Intelligence

Biden administration plans a multi-agency effort to surge AI recruitment

Officials at the General Services Administration celebrated their forthcoming role to help recruit an AI-fluent workforce across the government, pursuant to the EO’s priorities.

Artificial Intelligence

Biden signs AI order but stresses need for legislation

The long-anticipated executive order on artificial intelligence is broad, detailed and expansive, but the White House wants Congress to do more.

Artificial Intelligence

Sweeping White House AI order includes mandate for commercial developers

The administration is leveraging the Defense Production Act to get access to safety testing for high-risk artificial intelligence use cases.

Artificial Intelligence

NOAA leverages AI for weather forecast translation

The artificial intelligence tool will replace the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s manual process for Spanish and simplified Chinese.

Artificial Intelligence

Biden administration angles to ‘lead the world’ with upcoming AI policy

The White House is focused on establishing the U.S. in both AI collaboration and competition.

Artificial Intelligence

Senate bill mandates disclosures on AI-made material

The bipartisan legislation calling for the labeling of AI-generated content follows similar efforts made in the House earlier this year.

Artificial Intelligence

AI concerns continue as governments look for the right mix of regulations and protections

The technology is starting to rack up an impressive portfolio of success stories, but there could be dangers and downsides as well.

Artificial Intelligence

NIST plans new risk evaluation methods and standards tracking for AI

The associate director for emerging technology at the National Institute of Standards and Technology said the evaluations are designed to identify potential harms from AI systems before they are deployed.

Artificial Intelligence

Democrats urge the White House to bind agencies to the AI Bill of Rights

“The federal government’s commitment to the AI Bill of Rights would show that fundamental rights will not take a back seat in the AI era,” the lawmakers argue.

Artificial Intelligence

The CIA’s data-challenged AI imperative

Mastering the technology is key to being able to “disrupt those entities that do not,” said an agency cyber policy official.