Artificial Intelligence

Experts warn that OMB’s AI guidance could slow federal adoption of the emerging tech

Commentators say proposed definitions of “rights-impacting” and “safety-impacting” use cases could wind up saddling low-impact AI programs up with high-impact controls.

Artificial Intelligence

Senate's top tech official greenlights research use of generative AI

The chief information officer for the Senate Sergeant at Arms evaluated three popular AI platforms and offered members and staff instruction on how to leverage them safely.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is a rising priority for federal chief data officers

Nearly all CDOs surveyed by the Data Foundation reported thinking about adopting the emerging technology.

Artificial Intelligence

Who is an AI worker? The Pentagon needs a better definition, GAO says

The Pentagon “can't fully identify who is part of its AI workforce or which positions require personnel with AI skills,” according to a new congressional watchdog report.

Artificial Intelligence

House lawmakers press for transparency in NIST’s new AI grant funding

A bipartisan cadre of lawmakers is asking for details on the funding methods and oversight of NIST’s new Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute.

Artificial Intelligence

Priming the workforce is key to future AI efforts, federal IT leaders say

One agency tech leader is urging IT workers inside government and out to "get into the shallow end of the AI swimming pool" and experiment with the new tools.

Artificial Intelligence

Senate Democrats seek to establish civil rights offices for AI

Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., is sponsoring legislation that would require all federal agencies that use artificial intelligence to set up offices “focused on bias, discrimination and other harms resulting from covered algorithms.”

Artificial Intelligence

Agencies have over 1,200 AI uses planned or in operation, watchdog finds

The massive GAO report found that some agencies — like NASA and the Department of Commerce — have made major investments in artificial intelligence, while others struggled to meet federal requirements.

Artificial Intelligence

GAO to release landmark AI report

The report provides a baseline for the use of artificial intelligence across major non-defense federal agencies and how they are meeting existing requirements.

Artificial Intelligence

2024 NDAA eyes rapid ATOs for emerging tech

Artificial intelligence is also a hot topic within the annual defense policy bill.

Artificial Intelligence

Human operators must be held accountable for AI’s use in conflicts, Air Force secretary says

The Pentagon needs “to find a way to hold people accountable” for what artificial intelligence technologies do in future conflicts, according to Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall.

Artificial Intelligence

Why NIST is prioritizing creating a dictionary of AI development

An official from the National Institute of Standards and Technology explained the need for a consensus on language as a means of developing common standards for AI.

Artificial Intelligence

DARPA’s massive defensive AI challenge begins in December

The original announcement of the AIxCC challenge — and its millions in prize money — made waves at Black Hat 2023.

Artificial Intelligence

DHS aims to lead in defense against ‘adversarial’ AI

The agency’s secretary noted artificial intelligence has proven useful for DHS operations in many ways, but also cautioned that the technology can be used for more nefarious purposes.

Artificial Intelligence

AI’s military use is limited by maturity concerns, CENTCOM official says

A U.S. Central Command official noted that “performance is still quite up and down” with AI, even as officials continue to experiment with the emerging technologies.

Artificial Intelligence

US and UK release joint guidelines for secure-by-design AI

The Guidance Secure AI System Development brings together international perspectives and consensus on what the DHS secretary said could be “the most consequential technology of our time.”

Artificial Intelligence

FTC votes to streamline investigations into AI products

In a 3-0 vote, the Federal Trade Commission approved a resolution that will let agency staff issue certain demands when investigating artificial intelligence-based services and products for potential market violations.

Artificial Intelligence

AI can help predict nuclear threats, but also develop others faster, State report warns

A report from a State Department advisory board on AI’s impact on arms control, nonproliferation and verification warned that the tech “is likely to lower barriers to biological and chemical weapons development.”

Artificial Intelligence

The people problem behind the government’s AI ambitions

As agencies move to fulfill requirements laid out in Biden’s AI executive order, workforce gaps remain “one of the biggest barriers” according to a White House official.

Artificial Intelligence

Inside DARPA’s search for an 'autonomous scientist' to support its researchers

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is on the hunt for foundational AI models that can aid in the scientific discovery process.