Artificial Intelligence

Good AI Starts With a Trained Workforce, Government Experts Say

A group of federal technologists and data experts explained that data management and government AI efforts hinge on employee initiatives.

Artificial Intelligence

Critical Update: How Data Analytics and AI Algorithms Can Prioritize Trust

VA researchers are training machine learning algorithms to accurately learn about real-world data.

Artificial Intelligence

Expert Analysis of Dangerous Artificial Intelligences in Government

The “real risks” of AI come from a lack of governance and risk understanding, according to Navrina Singh, CEO of Credo AI and a member of the Department of Commerce’s National AI Advisory Committee.

Artificial Intelligence

AI, Data Analytics Star as Biggest Planned Investments for 2023

An industry forecast sampled private sector companies to distill where they plan to make emerging technology investments.

Artificial Intelligence

Adoption of AI in Health Care Relies on Building Trust, DOD, VA Officials Say

Wider use of health-related artificial intelligence applications at the departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense depends on technologies being “sufficiently understandable.”

Artificial Intelligence

Transportation Department Looks to AI to Help Modernize Highways

The Department of Transportation is soliciting applicants to integrate artificial intelligence and environmental analytics into highway infrastructure.

Artificial Intelligence

AI’s Value to Organizations Parallels Value to Individuals, Report Finds

Personal benefit from AI was also linked to greater job satisfaction, according to the MIT Sloan Management Review and Boston Consulting Group report.

Artificial Intelligence

A Look Into Proposed Tech Amendments for the 2023 NDAA

Hot topics proposed as add-ons to the Defense budget bill included expanded artificial intelligence investment and supply chain independence.

Artificial Intelligence

49% of Tech Pros Believe AI Poses ‘Existential Threat’ to Humanity, Per Report

Others believe artificial intelligence will be a necessary component of most major business strategies in the near future.

Artificial Intelligence

Defense Department Looks to Update AI Workforce Contract

According to the request for information, the DOD sees potential improvement in how it supplements its workforce with industry experts.

Artificial Intelligence

The Army Can Predict When Some Leaders Are at Risk of Misconduct

And they’re using targeted counseling to intervene before those high-risk periods begin.

Artificial Intelligence

Federal Agencies Pledge Support For Biden’s AI Framework

Absent enforceability, public agencies and leadership plan on developing similar AI guidance and protocols to ensure accountable usage and design.

Artificial Intelligence

Vote Now for the Future of Robotics

The European Union's Robotics4EU initiative aims to give the public a voice on how comfortable they are with certain types of robots and artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence

New Biden AI Framework a 'Blueprint' for Future Regulations

The Biden administration’s national artificial intelligence framework does not carry legal penalties or enforcement, but hopes to pave the way for best practices as law.

Artificial Intelligence

The U.S. Military Is Buying Electric Jet-ski Robots

Tests will see whether battery-powered personal watercraft can help with search-and-rescue

Artificial Intelligence

NIH Injects $130M to Provide Quality Tools, Data for AI in Medicine

The funding comes from the National Institutes of Health’s Bridge2AI program to advance AI research, as well as ethical tools and standards.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Continues to Evolve in Government and Elsewhere

AI that started out simply tackling robotic process automation-type tasks is slowly evolving to take on more traditionally human and creative duties.

Artificial Intelligence

How Can Artificial Intelligence 'See' More Responsibly, Feds Ask Public

The Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program is looking to update its computer vision research guidance to support responsible AI development.

Artificial Intelligence

Make AI Accountable by Adding Redress Tools, Researchers Say

The white paper from the University of California, Berkeley also called for regulators to appoint an ombudsman to investigate complaints and monitor issues with the technology.

Artificial Intelligence

NIST to Release New Playbook for AI Best Practices

Researchers will stress a socio-technical approach—which examines the human impact on technology—to mitigate biases in artificial intelligence systems.