Artificial Intelligence

Trade Agency Wants To Know Where US Stands in Global AI Marketplace

The government wants to learn more about international regulations that would prevent U.S. companies from selling AI technologies abroad.

Artificial Intelligence

New Research Points to Hidden Vulnerabilities Within Machine Learning Systems

Agencies need to provide extra attention and security for machine learning and artificial intelligence-based systems, beyond the normal level of cybersecurity protection.

Artificial Intelligence

VHA Launches New Playbook Outlining Digital Health Care Needs For Patients

The agency’s health care office is looking for better data sharing interfaces to improve patient care.

Artificial Intelligence

National Science Foundation Facilitates US-India Tech Research Collaboration

The National Science Foundation added $2.8 million in supplemental awards to support these projects.

Artificial Intelligence

AI Could Help Congress Schedule and Find Unexpected Consensus, Expert Says

Members of the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress discussed how artificial intelligence and machine learning could help improve policy outcomes.

Artificial Intelligence

White House Advocates Cloud Investment as a Path to Artificial Intelligence

A new report from the White House points to advanced cloud technologies to help bolster artificial intelligence R&D at the federal level.

Artificial Intelligence

USPTO Works to Modernize Patent Processing with AI

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office widened its developer talent pool with open source coding challenges and an international presence. 

Artificial Intelligence

Brain Stimulation Can Rewire and Heal Damaged Neural Connections, But it Isn't Clear How

New technologies are spotlighting brain stimulation.

Artificial Intelligence

Regulatory Agency Issues First Document Addressing AI in Nuclear Operations

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission wants comments on its inaugural Artificial Intelligence Strategic Plan as more machine learning is introduced into the field.

Artificial Intelligence

'Fake' Data Gets Robots to Learn New Stuff Faster

A training innovation could help robots learn difficult tasks quickly.

Artificial Intelligence

The Pentagon's Plan for 'Responsible AI'

A 47-page document released this week outlines the Pentagon's plan to incorporate its two-year old ethical AI principles throughout a system's design, development and use.

Artificial Intelligence

IARPA Researchers Want Immersive, 3D Imagery for Training and Simulation

The project seeks software and applications to enhance the intelligence community’s surveillance images.

Artificial Intelligence

Internet Data Produces a Racist, Sexist Robot

Teaching artificial intelligence to learn about people through the internet opened it up to learning the dark side of humanity.