Artificial Intelligence

How Well Can AI Pick Targets From Satellite Photos? Army Test Aims to Find Out

The Scarlet Dragon exercise is evaluating ways the service might put new tools to use in the very near term.

Artificial Intelligence

NSA Cyber Chief Spells Out Near-Term Priorities

Ransomware is a top concern, but the agency is also looking ahead to defending networked weapons and post-quantum encryption.

Artificial Intelligence

An Army Pilot Just Re-Invented Flight Training for the Digital Era

By teaching an AI to read instruments with a camera, you get the best of the human and machine worlds.

Artificial Intelligence

Vulnerabilities May Slow Air Force’s Adoption of Artificial Intelligence

More data on the battlefield means a wider attack surface, something the Defense Department has yet to prepare for, experts say.

Artificial Intelligence

Grants Management Shared Services Marketplace Set to Launch by End of 2021

The marketplace is getting set to launch with a suite of tools from other federal offices, like’s automated risk management tool.

Artificial Intelligence

Learn to Use Data or Risk Dying in Battle, New Army Project Teaches

Project Ridgway pushes soldiers to use—and even create—the artificial-intelligence tools that will confer military advantage.

Artificial Intelligence

Biden Calls for 'United Response' to Emerging Tech, Cyber Warfare in U.N. Speech

“It’s up to all of us to determine whether these technologies are a force to empower people or to deepen repression,” he said.

Artificial Intelligence

Defense Tech Startup Led by Former Government Leaders Reaches $1 Billion Valuation

Rebellion Defense Founder Chris Lynch discussed the company’s recent endeavors and investments. 

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, Automation Aren’t Killing Labor Market, Reports Says

Such technology aren't making it more likely for workers to lose jobs in 10 industries, the authors found.

Artificial Intelligence

Postal Service Will Focus on Big Data, Digital Platforms Over Next 10 Years

As the Postal Service looks at the next 10 years, the agency inspector general looked back at the last decade of technology innovation to see what’s worked and what hasn’t.

Artificial Intelligence

Critical Update: When Seeing No Longer Means Believing, What’s a Government to Do?

Agencies and lawmakers are moving to combat deepfakes and other synthetic media used as powerful tools in disinformation campaigns.

Artificial Intelligence

AI Research Infrastructure Task Force Needs Input on ‘Democratizing’ Resources

The group is developing an implementation plan for how the U.S. could increase access to artificial intelligence research resources.

Artificial Intelligence

DHS Tech Directorate Sets Goals to Guide Risk-Aware Artificial Intelligence Use

It’s meant to complement the department’s broader enterprise strategy and could prove helpful to other agencies.

Artificial Intelligence

Lawmakers Propose OMB-Led AI Training Program for Government Buyers

The program would train procurement officials about artificial intelligence as a technology and its risks.