Artificial Intelligence

Senators Introduce Bill to Help Agencies Counter Deepfakes and Deceptive Media

The proposal would create a Department of Homeland Security-led task force to pinpoint technologies useful to trace content back to inception.

Artificial Intelligence

How AI Is Revealing the Secrets of Iran’s Nascent Centrifuge Factory

Satellites can’t directly observe the underground facility, but analysis of its surroundings yields a progress report.

Artificial Intelligence

SOCOM Members Got an All-Star Crash Course in AI

Over a unique six-week course, participants met virtually with tech leaders to talk about AI's future.

Artificial Intelligence

Researchers Create Drone Swarms That Can Detect Gas Leaks, Other Threats

A new algorithm called “Sniffy Bug” shows how tiny drones will do dangerous work even in areas where they can’t use GPS.

Artificial Intelligence

Firm Offers Tips on Eliminating Bias and Other Risks When Deploying Analytics Models

Government leaders are “appropriately” wary of implementing models they don’t understand, a senior expert explained.

Artificial Intelligence

Billions in AI Investments and a New Deterrence Strategy Coming, SecDef Says

The Defense Secretary committed $1.5 billion over five years to the Pentagon’s artificial intelligence hub.

Artificial Intelligence

How JEDI’s Ghost Will Bring Bitter Rivals Together

The death of the Pentagon’s controversial cloud computing mega-contract likely puts Amazon and Microsoft in a new sort of partnership.

Artificial Intelligence

DARPA Wants AI That Can Learn From Others’ Experiences

The advanced research agency is putting up $1 million per project to overcome challenges associated with AI systems learning from each other.

Artificial Intelligence

Pentagon Cyber Official: Digital Authoritarianism is a National Security Threat

Mieke Eoyang, deputy assistant defense secretary for cyber policy, said digital authoritarianism is one of the Pentagon's current challenges.

Artificial Intelligence

It's Time to Wargame Against an AI-Enabled China

Top commanders say military training needs to reflect how artificial intelligence will change the pace of war.

Artificial Intelligence

U.S., EU Create Council to Consider and Coordinate Tech Standards

It could be a vessel to puzzle out new regulations, according to the Commerce secretary.

Artificial Intelligence

Deputy Defense Secretary Says US Needs to Defend Its Artificial Intelligence Better

AI safety is often overlooked in the private sector, but Deputy Secretary Kathleen Hicks wants the Defense Department to lead a cultural change.

Artificial Intelligence

South Korea to Add Robots-on-Rails and AI Surveillance to DMZ Border

The demilitarized zone between North and South Korea will be getting new surveillance technologies in the coming months, Korean news outlets report.

Artificial Intelligence

Deputy Defense Secretary Outlines Responsible AI Tenets in New Memo

Kathleen Hicks also designated the JAIC director to lead a working council charged with writing a responsible AI strategy.