AT& T Donates $190,000 Toward Pa.'s Y2K Public Outreach Campaign

Pennsylvania officials Tuesday received a down payment on costs associated with the state's Year 2000 public outreach efforts.

Pennsylvania officials Tuesday received a down payment on costs associated with the state's Year 2000 public outreach efforts. The AT& T Foundation donated a check for $190,000 toward Pa2K -- Pennsylvania 2000 -- a program Gov. Tom Ridge (R) kicked off last July to raise public awareness of date-change issues.

State officials have earmarked part of the money for an electronic town hall meeting on Year 2000 issues scheduled for June 30. The check also will defray the costs of providing the public with workbooks, video tapes and other educational materials, according to a statement released by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor.

Pennsylvania State University, under contract with the governor's office, will help manage the Pa2K program, providing toll-free lines and administrative help in answering public inquiries.