Federal requirements

Other important requirements documents issued by the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program

Other important requirements documents issued by the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program:

* Core Financial System — Establishes the point at which government agencies must begin when implementing new financial management systems and procedures; updated November 2001.

* Revenue System — Draws connections between financial and revenue management systems and establishes the guidelines for their implementation and integration; issued January 2003.

* Acquisition Financial System — Addresses the shared informational requirements between federal financial and acquisition management systems; issued June 2002.

* Human Resources and Payroll System — Intended for HR and payroll financial systems analysts, accountants and others who design, develop, implement, operate and maintain financial management systems; issued April 1999.

* Inventory System — Designed to provide effective and efficient financial and accounting controls over resources invested in inventories; issued June 1995.

* Travel System — establishes "reasonable, allowable and acceptable" rules governing the financial aspects of government travel; issued July 1999.

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