SRA launches privacy program

It's designed to build privacy in with security right from the start.

SRA International officials have launched a privacy protection program designed to integrate privacy protections with security measures throughout the planning and operation of information technology systems, company officials said.

The move comes in recognition of growing privacy concerns that public and private-sector organizations face.

There are already customers for the service. Homeland Security Department officials call on SRA officials for support and strategic advice on privacy, for example. SRA officials are also working with the Department of Health and Human Services in determining appropriate measures for safeguarding employment information and complying with federal privacy requirements.

"The SRA process combines our experience and knowledge of both privacy and security with a comprehensive approach to help our clients protect their customers’ and constituents’ privacy and the integrity of their data," said Renny DiPentima, SRA's president and chief executive officer, in a written statement. "A point solution will not suffice in today’s environment where data sharing is crucial."