RSIS gets Treasury work

For up to $150 million, the company will provide tech services to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

Treasury Department officials have chosen RS Information Systems (RSIS) for a contract worth up to $50 million to provide technology services to the agency's Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

The company will provide networks, servers, databases, software engineering and maintenance, said Rodney Hunt, RSIS' president and chief executive officer. "It's a special assignment -- one we are delighted to take on -- to deliver critical technical support to a relatively new federal agency," he said.

Created in January 2003, the bureau enforces and administers laws covering the production, use and distribution of alcohol and tobacco products. The bureau also collects excise taxes for firearms and ammunition.

RSIS has opened an office in Washington, D.C., across the street from the bureau offices to provide fast response.