Comment: FCW's 'should' list

First off, there really is no link between advertising and editorial. To the contrary, there are cases where we have lost ads because of editorial content.That being said, I think there is a legit issue about how the big guys tend to get more ink then the little guys. There are a few reasons for that, just off the top of my head. (These may or may not be reasons, but they are reasons.)One certainly is that the big guys have established PR shops that know how to get their messages out effectively. Secondly, there are also fewer big guys, which makes them easier to cover.It is something we are keenly aware of but for which we have ot come up with an easy fix.We will think about the issue further and I may return to your question later.

This e-mail, which arrived with the creative subject line, "Who let the blog out":

Why isn't there more coverage on the convergence of automated security solutions and still a lot of companies convincing their clients that their manual procedures are better than automated solutions.
It does not mean that the automated technology will replace people, but it does cut down on a certain amount of inefficiencies that exist in manual processes. I would like to see FCW stir it up a little more, as opposed to just writing articles about the same companies claiming to do total solutions to whatever this season's buzzword is, compliance, data lifecycle management, identity management . . . Whatever happened to double-secret probation?
I think one of the more exciting markets in the federal marketplace is the arrival of security compliance solutions for management, compliance, vulnerability and risk management. FCW could really do its readers a favor by going more in-depth on less known companies that are coming up in this space, instead of just talking about how [any company] has a new product that fights spyware: FCW should be more than a flack for their top 10 best advertisers, which usually is [list of companies here].


Update: FCW associate editor Michael Hardy, who edits our business section, is going to pull together some tips that can help guide small businesses about how to get into the press.