God speed Arthur Cebrowski

died over the weekend. Our veteran DOD reporter Bob Brewin has done a , which will probably serve as the draft for Intercepts this week. had a on its Web page.I interviewed Cebrowski a few times. He was, in short, amazing.For those of you who know him... or know about him... we welcome your thoughts either ... or [put CEBROWSKI in the subject line please].We send along our condolences to his family.
Vice Admiral (ret.) Arthur Cebrowskiwonderful remembrance

The Office of Force Transformationrememberance

Arthur K. Cebrowski, founding director of the Office of Force Transformation, passed away on November 12 after a long illness. A true defense intellectual and military innovator, Cebrowski was the father of the concept of Network Centric Operations, which has become the US military's organizing principle for the Information Age. As director of OFT, Cebrowski served as the catalyst for transformation across the Department of Defense and provided keen insight and analysis to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary as they grappled with how to transform the department during a time of war.

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