More good news for GSA -- not

I'm up in Boston this weekend cheering on a friend who is running the on Monday, which means that I had more time than usual to read through the morning papers because I might have missed this story otherwise... from the Saturday WP... an update on former OFPP administrator David Safavian:As if GSA didn't have enough to worry about these days, the Safavian trial is scheduled to get started soon.And on Monday, we'll have a story detailing the problems with GSA's regions. Once it is posted, you can read the story .We have been aggressively following the problems at GSA in part because I believe it is an important story -- perhaps the most important story in our community right now. GSA has really been an important part of how agencies do business, and if GSA should essentially get out of the IT buying game, it is going to have broad ramifications.In this week's issue, we , but she also has her work cut out for her.I'm just reading the Sunday WP online and they have a follow-up to the Safavian e-mails, which goes into more detail.
UPDATED on 4.16.2006

Boston Marathon

E-Mails Tie Former GSA Official to Abramoff [WP, 4.15.2006]
Safavian Attorney Objects to Disclosure
Federal prosecutors last night released hundreds of e-mails documenting the business and personal ties between former White House aide David H. Safavian, lobbyist Jack Abramoff, and a network of congressional representatives and staffers.


editorialize that the nomination of a GSA administrator offers a glimmer of hope

UPDATE on 4.16.2006

E-Mails Show Dealings of Safavian, Abramoff [WP, 4.16.2006]
Documents detail collapse of traditional borders separating lobbyists and government officials empowered to make decisions affecting millions of dollars.