Does this security clearance thing matter? You tell us

How important are security clearances?

Of course, we have been actively following this story about security clearances – the Defense Security Service has halted processing further security clearances because it is out of money.

Here is an opportunity to let us know how it is impacting you – government or industry. We are conducting a survey. This isn't just a poll. It is a somewhat comprehensive survey so we can really get some information. For feds, it is only 12 questions; 20 for industry.

It will be interesting to see what comes out of it.

Meanwhile, Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.), chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, managed to get an amendment into the House version of the Defense authorization bill that would essentially lift the expiration dates on existing clearances.

It is a Band-aid, of course, and not a fix to the problem, but it seems like it is a step.

And Davis's folks tell us they will be holding a hearing on this issue next Wednesday.

But do click over and take the survey and let us know your thoughts… and the impact of this situation.