Godspeed to ACT/IAC's Patrick Landin

We got a message from the folks at ACT/IAC about Patrick Landin, an ACT/IAC staff member who was killed in a car accident on Thursday. I have linked to the WP story. Unfortunately police are not clear about what happened.

Here is the note from the ACT/IAC folks [.doc... or pasted below]:

It is with a heavy heart, a bit of disbelief and immense sadness that we write to inform you that Patrick Landin, ACT/IAC's Shared Interest Groups Manager, was killed in an automobile accident on the night of Thursday, June 8th, 2006. He was just 26 years old.

Patrick joined ACT/IAC just over one year ago to manage our nine Shared Interest Groups (SIGs). It was a new position and more than a little daunting, but Patrick possessed the critical qualities needed for success: a can-do attitude and genuine affection for the members he worked with. Any early hesitation he may have had about the challenging job before him quickly dissipated, leaving only confidence in its wake. In recent months, it became clear that Patrick had turned the SIGs into his own area of expertise, and nobody knew them better than he did. He understood their projects, their leadership, their inclinations about certain initiatives and yes, even all their gossip.

ACT/IAC is a tightly woven community, one that could even be described as a large family. Nowhere was this more true than at the office. In a traditional family everyone has their role, and the same could be said for the ACT/IAC staff. Patrick was everyone's little brother, a new role for him since he was actually the oldest in his family. We are not sure how much he liked this role but it was one he tolerated with his characteristic humor and patience. As fast as his colleagues could dish it out, Patrick could throw it right back. Even when his six female colleagues were nagging him about something, he would sometimes play along-- taking our advice when it suited him and ignoring it when it didn't. He endeared himself to many outside the office in the same way. Everyone loved him, mentored him and looked out for him. Had he not broken his elbow in February, we have no doubt that he would have been trying to come up with creative ways to get out of the office a couple of times each week to join some member's foursome at the golf course.

Nobody grieves more for Patrick than his parents and sister, but the ACT/IAC community mourns his loss as well. All of the staff will miss him, as we have lost not just a colleague but also a beloved friend.

If you would like join the Landin family and the staff in celebrating Patrick's memory, information on the funeral services is below.

The ACT/IAC Staff
Ken, Danielle, Kelly, Don, April, and Kristin

Services for Patrick Landin
· Monday, June 12th , visitation from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Adam Green Funeral Home, 721 Elden Street, Herndon, VA
· Tuesday, June 13th, mass at 11:00 a.m. at St. Stephen the Martyr Church, 22331 Sam Fred Road, Middleburg, VA

Condolences may be sent to:
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Landin
25576 Upper Clubhouse Drive
South Riding, VA 20152

For those who wish to make a contribution, Patrick's parents have selected Homes for our Troops as the beneficiary. This is one of the organizations that ACT/IAC is supporting through community outreach this year. Information about Homes for Our Troops can be found at www.homesforourtroops.org.

NEXT STORY: DHS vacancies