Contracting enters the Walter Reed spotlight

Here is how , via the Chris Matthews is even talking outsourcing on MSNBC's Hardball. I'll post the transcript when they post it.

A House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee held hearings on the entire Walter Reed patient care fiasco and there is now a contracting angle to the story.

Here is quote from the House Government Reform Committee's Web site:

Chairman Henry A. Waxman and Subcommittee Chairman John Tierney sent a letter to Major General George W. Weightman, former commander of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, regarding the privatization of support services at Walter Reed and its effect on the conditions at Walter Reed.

AP reported the story this afternoon

Tierney, D-Mass., chairman of the panel, questioned whether problems at the facility are "just another horrific consequence" of inadequate planning that went into the war in Iraq; a problem created by contracting out work there to private business, or some other cause.

NEXT STORY: A Microsoft visit