NewsBytes... White House e-mail... and more...

Other items:* blog reports that the is investigating potential Hatch Act violations by GSA Administrator Lurita Doan. Is that really new? I have trouble keeping track of all the investigations these days.* Time Magazine's cover story this week is about the Army, which Time says, is "broken down." * The column has this:If you have problems with the link, try ... at least temporarily.* that New Orleans and Louisiana, swamped when the city's storm protections failed during Hurricane Katrina, demand the federal government pay a damage bill that is more than double the entire cost of the massive Gulf Coast rebuilding effort, and so many claims have been filed against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that the agency needs at least another month even to tally the floor-to-ceiling stacks.* A Google brain drain? The reports that less than three years after going public, Google is confronting one of the more confounding consequences of its phenomenal success: a potential brain drain if its earliest -- and richest -- employees quit after earning the right to cash in the last of the stock options that made them millionaires.* Also from the SJMN:Outsourcing: Where's Uncle Sam?The U.S. government should safeguard the interests of its citizens and do more to stop companies from sending jobs abroad. Corporations have framed the debate for too long What's Cooking in Mozilla's LabIt's experimenting with ways to incorporate popular features, like social networking applications, into the Firefox browser Scientists Design Open-Source Program at NASAAaron RoweJessy Cowan-Sharp and Robert Schingler set up CosmosCode to help NASA develop open-source software for space exploration.NASA scientists plan to announce a new open-source project this month called CosmosCode -- it's aimed at recruiting volunteers to write code for live space missions, Wired News has learned.The program was launched quietly last year under NASA's CoLab entrepreneur outreach program, created by Robert Schingler, 28, and Jessy Cowan-Sharp, 25, of NASA's Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. Members of the CosmosCode group have been meeting in Second Life and will open the program to the public in the coming weeks, organizers said. Before BreakfastJoshua Bell is one of the world's greatest violinists. His instrument of choice is a multimillion-dollar Stradivarius. If he played for spare change, incognito, outside a D.C. Metro station, would anyone notice?

Yes, more on the White House's use of non-official e-mail for somewhat official work. The LAT this morning has this story:

GOP-issued laptops now a White House headache [LAT, 4.9.2007]
Democrats say a private e-mail system was used in violation of federal rules

WASHINGTON — When Karl Rove and his top deputies arrived at the White House in 2001, the Republican National Committee provided them with laptop computers and other communication devices to be used alongside their government-issued equipment.

The back-channel e-mail and paging system, paid for and maintained by the RNC, was designed to avoid charges that had vexed the Clinton White House — that federal resources were being used inappropriately for political campaign purposes.

Now, that dual computer system is creating new embarrassment and legal headaches for the White House, the Republican Party and Rove's once-vaunted White House operation.

ABC's The BlotterOffice of Special Counsel

Broken Down [Time, 4.6.2007]
What the war in Iraq has done to America's Army--and how to fix it. A Time investigation's Morning Briefing

A Privately Funded Military Internet Program [WSJ, 4.9.2007]

Cisco Systems, satellite operator Intelsat and the Pentagon have teamed up on a program to provide high-speed Internet connections to military units that are in motion, The Wall Street Journal Reports. "The demonstration project requires private investors led by a fledgling private-equity fund to shoulder the entire cost of a networking system for directing messages," the Journal says. About $800 million is budgeted for the first installation on an Intelsat satellite already under construction, with hopes to raise more to pay for four similar projects. "We get to test something for a fraction of what it would cost" if the Air Force funded it, Mike Florio, the military's manager for the program, tells the Journal.

this one

USA Today reports

San Jose Mercury News

Early this year, Tech Notebook reported Sun Microsystems Chairman Scott McNealy thought business school ethics courses were a waste of time. When it comes to ethics, he said, "either you're born with it or you learn it from your parents." McNealy seemed to think corporate policies weren't going to do the trick either. Two Hewlett-Packard executives recently said they disagreed.