Government in a wiki world

So I'm down at FCW's Government CIO Summit down in Fort Myer, Fla., where the topic is Government by Wiki: New Tools for Collaboration, Information-Sharing, and Decision-Making. I have to say that while I helped to come up with the concept, Paul McCloskey, who largely pulls the event together, has done just an exceptional job. In fact, we were on FCW's radio show, which aired on WFED-AM 1050 in DC last week. Here it here.

Last night, we had Don Tapscott, the author of Wikinomics: How mass collaboration changes everything, who really got things going with exactly the right tone -- this is a new world. (Read an excerpt of the book from this week's issue of FCW here... Read a Q&A with him here... and listen to an excerpt of the interview here.)

And it is interesting how there have been so many pieces of this coming together in recent months. Of course, just last week, the Army tried to block soldier bloggers -- a very non-Web 2.0 kind of thing to do -- only to quickly reverse their position just a day later.

But we have really had some remarkable presentations... Jon Anderton from the CDC, who also has a CDC virtual person in Second Life, the virtual world -- I'm creating my avatar now -- and Chris Rasmussen, a knowledge management expert at NGA who is involved with Intelipdedia.

More to come. Off to dinner where David Pogue, the NYT gadget guy, is speaking.

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