Some of what Web 2.0 means

This is a video that seeks to tell us what Web 2.0 is:

I don't know if you have seen it before. It is called "The Machine is Us/ing Us" and was put together by Michael Welsh, an an assistant professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University. If it is a bit overwhelming, you'll have a bit of an idea how most of us felt yesterday here at FCW's Government CIO Summit.

It was included as a part of a presentation by Chris Rasmussen, who works at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and helped create Intellipedia.

Again, more on all of this later. I have to write in bits because I'm trying to blog between parts of the event... and all the other stuff I have to do. And, actually, that is what has left people feeling a bit overwhelmed -- how do they add all this Web 2.0 stuff when they already have pretty packed days.

Regardless, we're all feeling challenged, I think.

More to come.

NEXT STORY: Government in a wiki world