NewsBytes... because there just isn't enough time in the day

I've run out of time in my day, so... Let me just note that I got several e-mails and calls about Doan. We also talked about it some in yesterday's breakfast meeting with the ACT/IAC Voyagers. We also had a fascinating discussion about the culpability of the press in what gets covered. So... I'll try to get to all of that, but I have to head over to O'Keefe & Company's 10 year anniversary bash featuring Bo Derek. (I almost forgot about it, so I'm dressed casual, but... I'm a big believer in supporting creativity, so...)

Anyway, some items worth reading:

* Other blogs picked up on the hortatory subjunctive, which we noted yesterday. And be sure to check out the third comment taking me to task referring to it as a 'in-tense' debate. Tuche!

* Who has control over your laptop? You may have been hacked.

* Along those lines... the cover story of this week's FCW is about the mobile data -- one year after the VA laptop theft. We also were on the radio talking about the whole issue. Here it here.

* CJD-fav David Pogue writes about noise canceling headphones today.

NEXT STORY: Waxman should be called Axman