CTO Update: Nix Warrior and Kundra

Sources say <a href="http://techinsider.nextgov.com/2009/01/warrior_or_kundra_for_cto.php">speculation</a> that Barack Obama's federal chief technology officer will be either Padmasree Warrior, the CTO at Cisco Systems, or Vivek Kundra, the CTO for Washington, D.C., is not correct.

Sources say speculation that Barack Obama's federal chief technology officer will be either Padmasree Warrior, the CTO at Cisco Systems, or Vivek Kundra, the CTO for Washington, D.C., is not correct. With Obama nominating Julius Genachowski, who was considered the front-runner for the post at one time, to head the Federal Communications Commission, that removes several of the names that were thought to be leading candidates.

NEXT STORY: Warrior or Kundra for CTO?