How to Build a Better Great Wall
The idea of creating a robust, intelligent technology barrier as opposed to a static physical one has been floated before.
The Coming Digitization of the Regulatory Environment
Here's what the U.S. can learn about digitizing regulations from two of the largest economies.
Leveraging Identity to Tackle Insider Threats in Government
Here are three ways to better manage your users.
10 Things to Know About Government Reorganizations
The “soft” stuff turns out to be the hard stuff.
The Shutdown Is Doing Lasting Damage to National Security
With every passing day, America’s defenses are weakening.
Dispelling DevSecOps Myths and Maximizing the Potential
For starters, federal agencies don’t need to rush out and hire “super developers.”
How a New Law Supports Quantum Computing's Great Leap Forward
The technology could be up there with some of the major technological advancements that changed the world, like the microchip or even electricity.
Automation Can Make Agencies' Tough Budget Decisions Easier
A few agencies are using a new technology that will help them meet these budget targets without reducing programs.
Prioritizing for Migration to the Cloud
A thoughtful roadmap help, even when obstacles pop up.
Keep the Faith: America’s GDPR Will Come
What should it look like? How should companies prepare?
To Reduce IT Supply Chain Risk, Watch for Insider Threats and External Attackers
True or not, Bloomberg’s recent "Big Hack" article should have agencies thinking about the security of their IT systems.
Seizing the Opportunity to Close the Cybersecurity Skills Gap
Here's how the public sector could get a leg up on competing for cybersecurity talent.
How to Stop Hackers (Russian or Otherwise) from Hijacking Our Elections
A very promising innovation in the field of cryptography may hold the answer for bolstering election technology.
What GovTech Will Look Like in 2019
This year, some agencies might opt to think inside the box.
The New Rules of Cybersecurity
Now is the time for companies to take a fresh approach to protect their data.
What to Expect from Other Transaction Authorities in 2019
Though the contract model is well-suited to research and development, expect to see it tried for other things too.
How Federal Agencies Can Take a 'Quantum Leap' in Computing
The first step is to come together.
5 Tips for Extending Your Social Reach with an Influencer Strategy
Here is how to reach more than your followers.
Fighting Deepfakes Will Require More Than Technology
When technology is part of the problem, can you count on it to be part of the solution?
The Divide Between Silicon Valley and Washington Is a National-Security Threat
Closing the gap between technology leaders and policy makers will require a radically different approach from the defense establishment.
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