Optimus to develop DOD logistics information system

The company's job is to replace an outmoded CD/DVD system for data distribution.

The Defense Department has awarded Optimus Corp., a company specializing in enterprise information management via Web services, a contract to develop a new system for distributing logistics data.

The company will develop the prototype and proof of concept for the system, to be called the Federal Logistic Information System Agile Mobile Media (FLIS AMM). Optimus will work for Defense Logistics Information Systems, a component activity of the Defense Logistics Agency.

DLIS manages much of the logistic information requirements for combat troops in remote locations where Web connectivity is poor or nonexistent. Currently, DLIS publishes its procurement database on CD and DVD for those users. Optimus has been responsible for that operation since 1992.

The FLIS AMM project will let DLIS use Web applications to create mobile media products that permit military personnel to obtain the information they need anywhere.

Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Optimus is based in Fort Collins, Colo. Although there is a company with the same name -- both are called Optimus Corp. -- in Silver Spring, Md., that is also active in government contracting, the two are not related.