DISA wants new information-sharing technology

The agency wants research projects to develop technology that will improve command and control.

The Defense Information Systems Agency is seeking research proposals on technologies that can improve command and control and information sharing, according to an announcement on the Federal Business Opportunities Web site.

One area DISA is interested in is Web 2.0 technologies, according to the announcement first posted in January and revised on April 3.

The agency is seeking proposals for research into social-networking techniques and Web-oriented architectures. Technology that lets users designate what content they want, also known as a mashup, is another goal of the project, the announcement states.

“This project leverages the Web-oriented architecture and provides the warfighter, from analyst to decision-maker, with the ability to ‘mash up’ these services and content in a rapidly comprehensible manner that enables social networking and global awareness,” the announcement states. Officials also want network infrastructure improvements to address the intelligence community’s need for larger bandwidth and storage capabilities.

The new capabilities must provide the mission-support services necessary to achieve interoperability and integration goals for working with coalition forces, especially for counterterrorism, and they must enhance homeland defense and security.

DISA’s Advanced Concepts Office issued the announcement for the project, called Rapid Architecture and Web Support. The agency expects to issue multiple awards and plans to pilot the research efforts through the Broad Agency Announcement process.