NIST's Balutis leaving government

Alan Balutis, director of NIST's Advanced Technology Program, will become executive director of FGIPC

Alan Balutis, director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology'sAdvanced Technology Program, is leaving government after more than 25 yearsto join a nonprofit corporation that promotes industry-government cooperation.

Starting in mid-February, Balutis will be the executive director andchief operating officer for the Federation of Government Information ProcessingCouncils and FGIPC's Industry Advisory Council.

Balutis has been director of the ATP for nine months and was deputychief information officer at the Commerce Department for two years beforethat. He has been with Commerce since 1983.

He said he has "mixed feelings" about leaving the government after decadesof public service, but he said he's looking forward to his new job and theopportunities it presents.

"It's a chance to work on industry and government partnership issues,which I've been doing since [my work on] CIO Council outreach efforts,"said Balutis, who was co-chairman of the CIO Council's Outreach Committeeand is co-chairman of the council's E-government Committee. "I think thisis a good fit. It's a good match for me in terms of the things I like todo."

There has been no decision from NIST on who might replace Balutis —he is not a political appointee.

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