Under the IG microscope

The General Services Administration's inspector general has found violations of contracting rules in some Federal Technology Service regional offices.

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The General Services Administration's inspector general has found violations of contracting rules in some Federal Technology Service regional offices.

The violations include:

Misuse of more than $133 million of the Information Technology Fund, a revolving fund intended to finance IT and telecommunications projects.

Use of an 8(a) contractor to obtain the products and services offered by a large business, thus improperly using 8(a) sole-source contracting provisions.

Splitting procurements so they could be handled as sole-source orders.

Issuing task orders under contracts awarded by the Federal Acquisition Services for Technology Solutions Development Center that did not contain any line items related to the contracts.

GSA's Region 4 includes the Southeast, Region 6 is the Midwest, and Region 10 encompasses the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. In addition to the inspector general's evaluations, FTS has hired Gartner Inc. to conduct a review of its internal policies and controls.