WIN-T system design works

General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin demonstrate key technologies for the Army’s future battlefield comms system.

General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin announced Sept. 28 that they have successfully demonstrated key technologies for the Army’s Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) system.

General Dynamics and its team members were able to provide communications for Army units on the move, the most critical challenge for the system. The team offered radio, cellular, satellite and IP capabilities designed to keep soldiers connected to the network when they were on the ground or in moving vehicles, according to a company statement.

“Mobile satellite communications and the network automation necessary to keep highly mobile and dispersed forces connected are key to WIN-T and the Army,” said Bill Weiss, vice president of future force programs for General Dynamics C4 Systems.

The tests demonstrated:

* Network operations with up-to-the-second monitoring.

* Network security.

* Networking waveforms.

* Networks that monitor and fix themselves.

* On-the-move networking via terrestrial and satellite links.

* Satellite tracking.

* Secure cellular communications.

* Software-defined radios.

* Voice- and video-over-IP technology.

The demonstrations showed that the technologies needed for WIN-T are ready and can reduce risk. The program now moves to the development test/operational test phase, scheduled for November.

“The WIN-T tests are on track, on time and on schedule,” said Col. Angel Colon, the Army’s WIN-T project manager.

WIN-T is a $10 billion program to develop the Army’s future battlefield communications system. Last year the Defense Department approved the service’s recommendation that General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin work together on the system, with General Dynamics as the lead contractor. The team also includes BAE Systems and Harris.

NEXT STORY: CSC, Unisys win IT support work