Letter: Temps left holding the bag on TWIC cards

A reader says the firms that hire temporary employees for port jobs aren’t going to cover the cost of TWIC cards.

Regarding “TSA, Coast Guard to release proposed TWIC rules”: I work as a driver through a temporary employment service at the Georgia Ports Authority. In fact, jobs there are filled by several temp companies. More than 40 percent of workers are temps for hire. At any given moment, you can get released from your job.

In reading about the Transportation Worker Identification Credential card and its cost, I am pretty sure that no one in their right mind would purchase a $159 dollar card because that is more than half of their weekly salary at $7.50 per hour. It would not be beneficial at all because there is no refund of any of your hard-earned dollars. Here today and gone tomorrow, and what use would that card be to anyone? The temp services hire and fire so frequently that they are not going to purchase the card for the employee.

There should be some sort of consideration of cost for the hard-working man and woman.


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