Letter: Consolidation will provide efficiency in government

I am convinced that the savings through consolidation will count in the tens of billions annually. And we will have a much more effective government, too.

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Regarding "GSA sees clear benefits of consolidaton," a reader writes: This is one of the most exciting things in government today. I am convinced that the savings through consolidation will count in the tens of billions annually. And we will have a much more effective government, too. The disappointment is that they are only looking at agencies or smaller as the enterprise. It's the whole government, or at least large swaths of it that can really consolidate.

I think in 50 years people will look back at us and laugh at our inefficiecies and relative ineffectiveness, knowing full well that we had the technology, just not the culture. Here's something GSA can bite into and look smart for a change. Way to go GSA!

