Letter: Delays in government valid, not sign of mediocrity

A reader writes, "Contrary to Dorobek's conclusion, a lazy, mediocre government may have sped these nominations through."

Regarding "Editorial: Encouraging mediocrity": A generalization of mediocrity based on two incidents is faulty. 

In my own experience, we had about 50 applicants each for two recent vacancies.  With those numbers -- if you check references --  you don't get mediocre.  Even looking at Dorobek's two exceptions, his analysis is flawed. 

The appointments have been delayed because of mismanagement and conflict of interest.  These are sound, nonpartisan reasons to delay appointments. Dorobek doesn't describe the mismanagement, but the conflict of interest issue would concern me from just the little data in the article.  Contrary to Dorobek's conclusion, a lazy, mediocre government may have sped these nominations through.

Joseph Wendlberger

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