Letter: Scrutiny in the name of a nomination

"Too many good people have had their reputations seriously and irreparably damaged just because they were willing to serve," one reader writes.

Regarding: "Editorial: Encouraging mediocrity":  This country was made great by people who did great things and were later ruined by the "scandal" of some relatively small flaw. Not just in politics, but in most walks of life, we value people much more highly if they have no visible faults than if they are highly productive and creative.

I am continually surprised that good people keep coming forward and letting their names be placed in nomination for these jobs, knowing that chances are they will be crucified for some perceived flaw. Too many good people have had their reputations seriously and irreparably damaged just because they were willing to serve and someone thought they were the best choice. It's a national shame!

By the way, in the graphic accompanying the article, the chair was missing the metal cap and copper arm and ankle straps wired to the 20,000-volt wall socket.


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