
Lawmakers Want to Boost Their Tech-Savvy By Reviving Defunct Office

They want to reopen the Office of Technology Assessment, a research group that once kept Congress up to date on emerging technology.


Defense Bill Would Send Military Reinforcements to DHS’ Cyber Mission

The bill would also transfer most of DISA’s network defense responsibilities to U.S. Cyber Command.


State Reauthorization Elevates Cyber Office Tillerson Once Shuttered

The House bill closely tracks a standalone bill to restore and elevate the cyber coordinator’s office.


Management Chief: Workforce Must Change to Reach IT Modernization Goals

The Office of Management and Budget’s Margaret Weichert shares how the administration's “holistic approach” to management can fix the government’s technology woes.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Want Answers on FDIC Data Breaches and Stingrays

And a new bill pushes for the naming and shaming of foreign hackers and government officials who attack the U.S.


IRS’ 60-Year-Old IT System Failed on Tax Day Due to New Hardware

Congress and watchdogs have been warning the IRS to upgrade its systems for years.


DHS is Lukewarm on the Bug Bounty Programs Congress Keeps Pushing

A bill mandating a DHS bug bounty passed the Senate Tuesday, but the department says it would duplicate work it’s already doing.

Digital Government

Citizens First

How the government plans to prioritize customer experience.


House Armed Services Chair Wants to Cut DISA and Number of Defense CIOs

Draft legislation from Rep. Mac Thornberry would eliminate several Defense agencies, including DISA.


DHS Might Provide Cyber Services Directly To Industry Under New Strategy

The program is a response to a worsening cyber threat environment, Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told reporters.


There's No Better Time to Pass Privacy Laws, Experts Say

Tech companies, experts argued, aren’t really going to police themselves.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Question FBI’s Push for Backdoors in Encrypted Devices

They also push a wave of privacy bills post-Facebook’s Hill visit.

Digital Government

Pentagon Names First Head of Software Acquisition

The department will have an official guiding all software strategy, regardless of what platform it runs.


How Lawmakers Want to Rein in Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg's marathon testimony foreshadowed that regulations are coming.


Uber Agrees to Expanded Data Breach Settlement With FTC

The ride-sharing company tried to conceal a 2016 data breach through its bug bounty program.


National Cyber Strategy Coming Soon From White House

The Pentagon will update its cyber policies based on that strategy, an official says.