
White House Wants Regulators to Keep Hands Off Tech Industry

National security and economic growth depend on a free and open internet, U.S. Deputy Chief Technology Officer Michael Kratsios said.


This Pentagon Paper Explains Why the Trump Administration Is Reining In Tech Trade with China

The newly released paper describes how technological progress fits into China’s long-term strategic plans.


Deterring Russian Hacking Will Take More Than Latest Sanctions, Experts Say

The sanctions aim to pressure Russian oligarchs to pressure Putin in turn, but it will be a long time before behavior changes.


Here’s What Government Gets Wrong About Bug Bounties

Congress has gone bananas for bug bounties, but they may not always be the right choice.


$380 Million in Election Security Money Coming Soon to States

California will get $36 million to secure its election systems; smaller states get less.

Digital Government

Shulkin’s Firing Leaves $16B Effort to Merge DoD/VA Health Records Up In The Air

Secretary Shulkin championed a contract with Cerner to develop a new health records system for Veterans Affairs, but the deal seems precarious now.


Here’s What a Company’s Data Breach Game Plan Looks Like

Companies should know who to call in law enforcement and which data is most valuable before a breach occurs, the Chamber of Commerce says.


The FBI Didn’t Explore All Options Before Trying to Force Apple to Break Into an Encrypted iPhone

Some FBI officials were more interested in making a legal blow against cop-proof encryption than in getting into the San Bernardino shooter’s phone.


U.S. Digital Service to Congress: We’ve Made A Measurable Impact

The government’s technology tiger team gives an update on what it accomplished in 2017 and the projects it has in process.


Industry Sounds Off On Pentagon’s Cloud Strategy

The Defense Department received more than 1,000 comments from industry regarding its JEDI cloud acquisition.

Digital Government

Government Has No Idea Whether The Billions It Spends On STEM Education Is Working

An audit by the Government Accountability Office suggests the White House isn’t measuring how well STEM education programs work.


The Scary New Contracting Model That Isn’t Scary or New

“Other Transaction Authorities” might seem like a risky new acquisition method, but it’s been around longer than the Federal Acquisition Regulation.


The Big Message in the Iranian Cyber Indictments: Deterrence

The Justice Department wants to send a message to Congress and the public: We’re deterring cyberattacks.