
Congress Tells Pentagon to Justify Its Single Cloud Plan

The omnibus spending package directs the Pentagon to outline its cloud strategy and share reports, costs and other details related to its JEDI procurement.


Here’s What Agencies Could Spend on IT Modernization Per 2018 Omnibus

The $2.26 billion—which includes some maintenance—gives an idea of the scale at which modernization will take place across government.


With Shutdown Days Away, Lawmakers Unveil Massive Federal Spending Bill

Congress must approve funding by Friday to keep agencies across government operating.


House Lawmakers Introduce Hack the State Department Bug Bounty Bill

The bill would offer cash rewards for vulnerabilities hackers discover in State Department websites.


President’s Management Agenda Is All About IT Modernization

Administration leaders unveiled the agenda in Kansas City, Missouri, promising success in IT modernization efforts where others have failed.

Digital Government

Congress Faces Government Funding That Runs Out Friday

Lawmakers have been working on an omnibus spending bill but it has yet to be introduced.


Here Are Some Key Challenges to Critical Infrastructure Security

Researchers should focus on when humans need to be in the loop and when machines can take charge.

Digital Government

Pentagon Tells Leaders to Talk More With Contractors — and Less to the Public and Press

One day after Air Force leaders severely restricted media contacts, Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan encouraged Pentagon officials to engage more with industry.

Digital Government

Trump Calls for a Space Force, a Concept His Pentagon Opposes

The president’s words could reanimate a legislative proposal that the defense secretary and others thought they had killed.


FEC Gets the Ball Rolling on Online Political Ads Rules

If passed, the rules would require websites to disclose who paid for online political ads urging viewers to vote for or against a specific candidate.


5G Faceoff on Capitol Hill

Localities want more of a say in broadband policymaking. The U.S. wireless industry wants to win its race with China.