
Federal Data Center Closures Will Push Agencies to Retrain IT Staff

As federal agencies optimize and shutter data centers across the country, figuring how and where to reassign employees will be a priority, officials say.


IT Leaders Stress Importance of Network Assessments Ahead of Cloud Migrations

Before moving to the cloud, agency IT leaders say that network assessments are needed to ensure a smooth transition.


Federal Internet of Things Applications Will Drive Cloud Spending, Report Says

As the number of IoT sensors deployed by federal agencies grows, the data they generate will increasingly be stored in the cloud, according to Govini.


FDIC Plans to Bolster Cybersecurity Following Breaches, with DHS Help

The agency says it will sign up for the Department of Homeland Security’s Einstein intrusion detection system.


Automated Cybersecurity Tools Can Aid Agencies Facing a Talent Gap

Automating IT security functions can help agencies overcome staffing shortages while they bulk up their cybersecurity workforces.


Federal Agencies Bolster Security by Streamlining IT

When agency IT leaders unify their security architecture, they often cut costs, simplify processes and find the sum is greater than the parts.


The FBI’s Biometric Center of Excellence Peers into Future of ID Technology

With an innovative pilot program on iris recognition, the FBI is embracing the promise of biometric technology, both for itself and other agencies.


GSA: Agencies Need to Get Ahead of Major Network Transition

The Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract will reshape how agencies procure telecommunications IT starting in 2020, but agencies need to prepare now.


Air Force Partners with Samsung as Tablets Take Over in Rugged Environments

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 will help Air Force personnel with maintenance and digitized technical orders, and represents a shift away from notebooks.


Q&A with Infoblox’s Ralph Havens

The president of Infoblox federal discusses the biggest threats to information security, why DNS attacks are on the rise and best practices for getting them under control.


Feds Get in on the Pokémon GO Craze

Agencies are leveraging interest in the augmented reality mobile game to engage with citizens and promote services.


VA, HHS Continue to Invest Heavily in Health IT and Telecommunications Services

Despite budgetary uncertainty, the health agencies are spending to modernize their technology, according to Big Data and analytics firm Govini.


Despite Metro Shutdowns in Washington, Virtualization and Telework Let Feds Keep Working

The government has improved its ability to let workers perform their jobs remotely, minimizing disruptions that prevent workers from being in the office, according to an industry executive.


FedRAMP’s Release of High Baseline Requirements Could Signal Shift in Cloud Adoption

The General Services Administration’s publishing of the FedRAMP High Baseline Requirements could make agencies more inclined to use the cloud to host sensitive data.


VA Responds to Ransomware Threats with Help from DHS

After the attempted attack in March, the agency repelled the ransomware intrusion and collaborated closely with Homeland Security on its response.


DOD and Cybercom Want to Train for Realistic Cyberattacks

The Defense Department wants to create a program that will help prepare the department to respond to complex and sophisticated attacks on critical infrastructure.


FEMA Wants to Streamline Device Portfolio and Go Mobile

The emergency management agency wants to make sure its workforce has versatile computing devices — which could mean fewer devices overall.


The Navy Sees 3D Printing as a Way to Navigate to a Flexible Future

The push toward 3D printing by the Navy follows similar efforts from other service branches to save money and become more resilient.


Cultural Opposition to Modernizing Federal IT May Be Overblown

Officials from the Transportation Department and Social Security Administration argue that many federal IT officials want to work with newer technologies.


Commerce Department Teams Up with DHS to Improve Its Cybersecurity

Using tools from the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program, Commerce is looking to get ahead of the cybersecurity curve.