
Federal Agencies Have a Window to Upgrade to the Cloud and Modern IT

Federal CIO Tony Scott and Rep. Gerald Connolly pressed the case for the Obama administration’s $3.1 billion IT modernization fund at the MeriTalk Cloud Computing Brainstorm event.


Federal CIO Tony Scott: $3.1 Billion IT Modernization Fund Will Reorient Tech Spending

The federal government should shift its focus away from maintaining old, automated systems, Scott said in a keynote address at the 2016 Federal Forum.


Augmented Reality Headsets Promise Navy Divers an ‘Iron Man’ Experience

The new system, designed to give divers critical information while under the waves, will be tested in the fall and enhanced further in 2017.


When An Employee Leaves Your Agency, Make Sure Your Data Doesn’t

There are some clear lessons federal agencies can learn from the FDIC data breach about protecting sensitive data.


Agency Wi-Fi Adoption Can Take Off if Security Concerns Are Addressed

As younger workers access Wi-Fi on mobile devices, agencies can tackle security concerns while supporting new wireless services.


The Fight for Wireless Spectrum Is a New Battlefront for Navy, Marines

Both the Navy and the Marine Corps are searching for new technologies that will allow them to make the most of their airwaves.


FedTech Guide to the Data Center Optimization Initiative

DCOI holds a lot of promise for federal data center performance, but what areas is it going to specifically tackle?


3 Building Blocks of the Modern Federal Data Center

EMC’s Audie Hittle explains what agencies need in each data center to build a foundation of success.


DOD's Initial 'Hack the Pentagon' Program Could Lead to Similar Efforts

The Pentagon’s “Bug Bounty” found about 90 vulnerabilities in the Department of Defense’s public websites, and the department is going to reward those who discovered the flaws.


The Internet of Things for the Battlefield Needs to Be Flexible, Army Official Says

To serve the soldiers of the future through connected devices, the military will need dynamic and adaptable networks.


DHS, Border Protection and Marines Want Commercial IoT Devices on the Battlefield

Federal officials argued the pendulum must swing back toward the usefulness of technology in the debate between accessibility and security.


Federal Officials’ Confidence in Internal Cybersecurity Has Dropped Significantly Since 2014

Fewer than 1 in 3 respondents are confident or very confident in their agency or department’s ability to keep up with evolving cyberthreats, according to a Dell survey.


DARPA Focuses on Taking Risks and Getting the Most from Its Technology Investments

Behind Arati Prabhakar, the director of DARPA, the agency thrives on a culture of experimentation, which can yield significant rewards.


How the Federal Government Can Make Procurement Great Again

GSA’s digital services arm, 18F, wants to blend procurement cycles with agile development. The question is, how?


Patent and Trademark Office Uses Open Data to Bring Patent Info to the Masses

A small team at the USPTO built a new tool to help visualize reams of patent data and create opportunities for insight and inspiration.


Governmentwide Contracts Offer Agencies Newer Technologies at a Faster Pace

As government simplifies procurement, governmentwide acquisition contracts represent the sound choice for technology spends.


The 5 Most Amazing Technologies DARPA Helped Invent — Besides the Internet

Over the decades, the Defense Department’s research arm has been responsible for several technology breakthroughs that have reshaped our lives.


"Weaponization of Code" Represents Revolution in Cyberwarfare

The U.S. should embrace cybersecurity treaties, a former State Department official says.


Commerce, State Departments Take Steps to Combat Insider Security Threats

Data breaches caused by federal employees, either knowingly or unwittingly, are a major concern at agencies, but security controls are not enough to tackle the threat.