
6 Strategies for Digital Transformation that Puts Citizens First

Agencies have made great strides in customer experience over the past couple of years.


How Long Can Border Agents Keep Your Email Password?

Some data gathered from travelers going through customs can stay in a Homeland Security database for 75 years.

Digital Government

27 Separate Federal Programs Protect the Power Grid

And that's just between the Energy Department, the Homeland Security Department and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.


House Intelligence Leaders Show Shaky Marriage on Russia Hack Investigation

Chairman Devin Nunes says there’s no there there; ranking member Adam Schiff says it’s too early to judge.

Emerging Tech

There Were 46% More Potential Near-Misses Between US Planes and Drones

FAA noted there’s no proof these unmanned aircraft have caused accidents.

Emerging Tech

Why Did the House Science Committee Overlook NASA's Former Chief Scientist?

Ellen Stofan was the only woman to testify at a congressional hearing about the future of space exploration—and the only person left out of the official tweets about the event.


At Mobile World Congress, Industry Leaders Try Work Out What Comes After the Smartphone

Telecom, internet and manufacturing industry players are gathered in Barcelona this week.

Digital Government

CFPB Wants To Know How 'Alternative Data' Changes Credit Scores

New methods of determining credit scores, which might involve an applicant's web history, could harm consumers.


Here Come the Drones—And Their Security Holes

With great convenience will come great security responsibilities, experts say.

Digital Government

Pentagon Launches Open-Source Experiment would let the public contribute to unclassified code written by federal employees.

Digital Government

Trump’s New Chief Digital Officer is Already Gone

Gerrit Lansing made the move to the White House in January after serving as the Republican National Committee’s chief digital officer since 2015.

Digital Government

18F Wants to Change the Rules, Not Break Them, Leader Says

Part of hacking government includes finding policies and regulations that are barriers, Technology Transformation Service Commissioner Rob Cook said.

Digital Government

Mattis Wants Pentagon's New Acquisition Roles Defined

The defense secretary is focused on cost effectiveness and efficiency throughout the department.

Digital Government

Hatch's Innovation Plan: Reform H-1B Program, Protect Federal IT

The Utah senator plans to advocate for bringing in high-skilled immigrants who want to stay in the United States.

Artificial Intelligence

Outgoing DOD CIO: 'There's Still A Lot of Work To Do'

Terry Halvorsen expects AI to play a greater role in cybersecurity soon.

Digital Government

DOD's Next-Gen Electronic Health Records System Is Now Live At One Site

MHS Genesis has been deployed at the Fairchild Air Force Base near Spokane, Washington.