Emerging Tech

Deloitte Highlights Tech Trends to Watch

Agencies will have to wade through tech trends to determine what's of use.

Emerging Tech

Lawmakers Want Self-Driving Cars To Thrive But Still Fear Hacks

Despite positives, manufacturers still face concerns that cars could be hijacked.

Emerging Tech

Tech Companies Prep for Trump’s Infrastructure Plan—Even Without Details

Startups and blue-chip companies alike see potential business in Trump's promised infrastructure plan.

Digital Government

Watchdog: Better Data Needed to Fight Medicaid Fraud

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services oversight data needs work, according to the Government Accountability Office.


Lawmakers’ Personal Devices Need Better Security, House Member Says

The letter from Rep. Ted Lieu also urges speedier cyber training for House employees.

Digital Government

Trump's Smartphone Habits Worried Lawmakers Before Mar-a-Lago

Lawmakers already had questions about the administration's security practices.


Water Treatment Plant Hack Kicks Off RSA Conference

A new survey finds cyber anxiety high during the Trump administration.

Digital Government

Forrester Predicts Less Money for Federal Tech, More for State and Local

However, total public sector spending in 2017 and 2018 is still expected to grow by 2 percent.

Emerging Tech

Service Robots Will Soon Be Making 'House Calls In Space'

DARPA this week picked a commercial partner to help build out the system.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Show Love to Blockchain, 'Star Wars,' But Question FBI FOIA Changes

They're also proposing a way to slow down any presidential efforts to remove sanction on Russia.


House Science Democrats Want to Investigate White House Cyber Vulnerabilities

The lawmakers cite vulnerabilities in Trump’s Twitter and cellphone in a letter to committee leadership.


Watchdog: IT Issues May Have Caused NASA To Cook A Spacecraft

The agency needs to do a better job monitoring its IT and operational technology, an OIG report says.

Digital Government

Congress Wants Quarterly Reports on VA’s Tech Investments

The House committee leaders want more frequent updates on major IT investments, projects and programs.

Digital Government

GAO: HUD's Legacy Tech Hogs 95% of IT Budget While Agency Struggles to Price Upgrades

“Significant weaknesses” plague the agency's cost-estimating practices for investments aimed to revamp IT infrastructure.


Connolly Pledges to Reintroduce Modernizing Government Technology Act

The Virginia Democrat said he'll be "boringly disciplined" in pursuing the bill's passage.

Digital Government

Startup Execs: Trump's Travel Ban Will Cause 'Irreversible Harm' To Economy

In an open letter to the president, they called the travel ban "morally and economically misguided."

Digital Government

Lawmakers Irritated with VA's Continuing Tech Problems

With its history of failed large-scale IT projects that cost taxpayers billions of dollars, VA is again grappling with IT issues.