Digital Government

Only 23% of the World Has a Free and Open Internet

The U.S. does not have the world's most free internet, according to a independent watchdog group.


Sessions: Surveillance Reform Could Be 'Exceedingly Damaging' to National Security

Getting a warrant before searching through information collected under Section 702 authorities would be burdensome, the attorney general told lawmakers.


Kaspersky Software Found at 15% of Federal Agencies

The suspect Russian anti-virus was usually obtained as part of a larger security package.

Digital Government

Agency Scores Fall in Latest FITARA Scorecard

The new metric on software licensing knocked many agencies' grades down.


Congress May Be Making the Pentagon Amazon's Next Big Customer

Though lawmakers revised the so-called "Amazon amendment," only a small number of companies could provide the government with an e-commerce site.


Will Data-Driven Policy Change How IGs Operate?

Inspectors general should be evaluating how successful federal programs are, not just how compliant they are, according to a recent report.  


1 in 8 Government Emails Received in October was Phony

In many cases, the spoofed emails come from IP addresses outside of the U.S.


Congress Passes FITARA 2, Hits Brakes on DHS Nominee

Lawmakers also want to keep a close eye on the multibillion-dollar health records contract Veterans Affairs Department is working on.


GSA to Industry: Help Us Write Better Cloud Contracts

The government doesn’t always do a good job explaining what it wants.


More Agencies Are Sending Safer Email

More than one-fourth of agencies have installed DMARC protection ahead of a DHS deadline.

Digital Government

Agencies Continue to Struggle With Accurate Spending Reports, Underreporting by Billions

Months after they were required to make their financial data public, their reports are rife with errors.

Digital Government

What CIOs Need to Know Before Launching Major Reforms

The Partnership for Public Service pulled five strategies from former federal officials who have been there.

Digital Government

Federal Agency Customer Experience Act Clears Senate

The legislation awaits a markup from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.


DHS Nominee Signals Continuity, Competence in Confirmation Hearings

Kirstjen Nielsen has the most extensive cybersecurity background of any DHS secretary nominee.

Emerging Tech

DHS Mulling Blockchain at the Border

An official struck a cautiously optimistic tone when discussing the decentralized ledger system.

Digital Government

Senate Passes Anti-Sex Trafficking Bill with Newfound Tech Industry Support

A major industry trade group reversed its position on the controversial bill as companies come under in Russia investigation.


DHS Cyber Info Sharing Focuses on Quantity Over Quality, IG Says

The department is sharing a lot of cyber threat indicators with agencies and the private sector, but only a handful are useful.

Emerging Tech

Watchdog: Agencies Find Old Development Habits Die Hard

Only four agencies had policies and processes in place to develop software in increments.